Reframing a New Narrative on Business and Investment in Africa

Africa’s rapidly growing economies, digital transformation, and home to the world’s largest free trade zone offer tremendous opportunities to accelerate business and investment on the continent.

Yet, despite the continent's enormous potential, negative perceptions about doing business and investing in Africa still persist. An estimated $200 billion trade and investment financing gap exists on the continent. 

ContentFrontiers is introducing Africa Investment Frontiers, a powerful communications platform designed to reshape the narrative on doing business in Africa by showcasing its tremendous business and investment potential, amplifying insights from private sector leaders, and encouraging sound fiscal policies for inclusive growth through multimedia storytelling and strategic communications. 

The communications platform will reflect a narrative of a thriving and prosperous continent and draw attention to U.S.-Africa business and investment stories that are not covered in the media.

This dynamic and engaging platform will showcase a series of blogs, video spotlights, podcasts, and other multimedia products, which will be distributed widely through robust content distribution, including news sites, social media, podcasts, e-newsletters, and media placements.


We collaborate with mission-driven companies and investors to amplify the insights from the private sector on business and investment in the African, Caribbean, and U.S. markets. If your company has a story idea or would like to submit a guest post, please click here


Key Insights & Takeaways | Africa Value Creation Intensive 2024